Live, interactive, Group Tuition Lessons
Low cost access to high quality qualified teachers
Expert tutors specialising deliver engaging, interactive online lessons to help you!
The highest quality tutors ready to work with you
Only qualified teachers make it into our tutor community and deliver our online tuition classes. We’ve gone to great lengths to ensure you have access to the best tutors. We won’t compromise on quality and we don’t think you should have to either. All of tutors are:
- Qualified teachers and subject specialists
- Reference checked and Enhanced DBS certified
Flexible, affordable, and easy-to-manage packages
There are no long-term commitments with our online home tuition service. Simply pay for the tuition that you use after your session. We offer packages for all budgets with:
Small group tuition (maximum 6 students) at £15 per session.
Prefer 1-to-1 tuition? We offer that too.
It’s simple to get going
Tuition with Fledge is flexible, easy to manage and simple to access. Our online tuition for kids works like this:
- You Sign-up and we contact you to discuss your needs
- We match you and students studying the subject and level with a specialist tutor
- You receive full booking confirmation
- You access tuition via emailed links and cancel when you like
Is online group tutoring for me?
Online tutoring is fast becoming the go-to format for students, parents and tutors. And online group tutoring is a new format that reduces the price per student, meaning more students than ever before can get extra support. Here's why online group tuition could work for you:
Tutoring has been proven to increase the education results and confidence of students. But the tutoring industry is built on out dated norms, where a single tutor would visit a single student, as such the cost can be too high for many families. Online group tutoring allows students of the same age, studying the same level, meet with a great tutor to fill in learning gaps and prepare for exams.
Proven impact
We have proven that online group sessions work. Our case studies found 80% of Y11 students in one of our programmes increased the GCSE grade by one mark after just 12 hours of tuition - studied in group of six.
Location no longer prevents access to great tutors
Whether you live in a city centre or remote village your physical location can prevent you from meeting the tutor that can best support your child. With Fledge online tutoring you have access to top notch qualified teachers from across the UK. Online tutoring allows you to widen your search to find the best tutor for your child.
We know that households are busy places. Finding time and space to welcome a tutor can be a burden. With online tuition all that is required a quiet place for your child to virtually meet their tutor, leaving the rest of the household undisturbed whilst they learn.
Technology improves the learning experience
Our online classroom software can run on any device (even smartphones), has an interactive and collaborative whiteboard, allows for quizes, polls and an educational video sharing tool. This means our tutors can design fun, engaging and effective group lessons using a larger range of materials than during in-person tutoring (we are happy to arrange a demo).
With online tutoring, it is much easier to accomodate last minute changes to your availablity.
Stay informed
Our online tutoring technology allows for us to share useful weekly reports with you so that you can see how your child is progressing.
Case Study
Year 11 GCSE Summer Tuition
A group of Year 11 students enrolled in to our GCSE exam preperation programme in the weeks before their GCSE exams.
Effective Grouing and Scheduling
Once sufficient student sign-up's were achieved our delivery team liased with parents and students to asertain availablity and used current performance guidance to ensure students were matched with peers with similar grade goals.
Initial Assessment
Based on student goals and subject requirement we selected expert tutors to deliver tuition and share weekly progress reports. Tutors begin their programme by completing an initial assessment lesson.
Tuition design and delivery After the initial assessment session with students our tutors created an intense 8 hour, 4 week, tuition programme focusing on key aspects of Maths and English GCSE exam preperation to address knowledge gaps. Parents are kept upto date of content covered and student progress with weekly reports emailed direct.
Strong results achieved in just four weeks The four weeks of tutoring yielded pleasing results. 77% of the pupils achieved growth against their expected grade at the start of the programme.