Supporting Schools

Quality tuition programmes delivered by teachers, not students


Quality assured tuition

We believe fully qualified and experienced teachers deliver the be tuition. That’s why all of our tutors are:

- QTS qualified

- Experienced in UK school setting

- Trained in online tuition

- Enhanced DBS and TRA checked

- Interviewed and onboarded thoroughly


Support tailored for you

Our tuition programmes are specific to your needs. We don’t impose constraints on you.

With us you benefit from:

- No minimum booking

- Flexible scheduling, in or out of the school day, on or off school premises

- Device Support for disadvantaged students

- Grouping students by academic ability, not their economic circumstances

- Easy onboarding and parental engagement

- Status and impact reporting

Our programmes cover KS1 - KS4 English, Maths and Science. Students study in groups of up to six students and groups can include a mix of PP and non-PP students.

How it works

Our process is designed to be as streamlined as possible.

  1. We call you to fully understand your needs

  2. You identify the students, the subjects they need tuition in, and we agree a schedule

  3. We liaise with and onboard students

  4. We deliver tuition using our online classroom

  5. We provide reports and the paperwork you need to evidence Pupil Premium spending

We will do whatever we can to make the process as straightforward as possible for you, for example, we provide GDPR-compliant consent forms to send to parents, manage and maintain any technology we provide, etc.


Low price, high quality

By only working with experienced teachers we can expertly deliver online group tuition. Our tuition is delivered in small groups of no more than six students and allows:

- A low cost per student

- The development of student social skills

- Peer to peer learning


Shall we take it further?

To find out more, please click here to send us an email or complete the below form.